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Hacis launches new E-logistics Xystem (HEx)

29th April 2003
Hong Kong

Hong Kong Air Cargo Industry Services Limited (Hacis) today announced the official launch of a new E-logistics Xystem (HEx) to enhance on-line air cargo service for its freight forwarder and airline customers.

HEx, or Hacis E-logistics Xystem (HEx), is a web-based e-logistics platform on which cargo data can be shared with its freight forwarder and airline customers, with an electronic interface to Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department. The system aims at enhancing cargo data visibility and maximising operational efficiency by providing an on-line platform for freight forwarders and airlines to carry out daily cargo operations via Hacis website

HEx offers an array of inventory management functions that facilitate operational processes down to house air waybill level to registered users. Using as the interface, Hacis' customers who have registered with HEx can enjoy the following on-line services:

Order Management function:
  • Create alert notification to Hacis prior to cargo arrival at SuperTerminal 1
Warehouse Management function:
  • Retrieve and display complete list of cargo records, and download a range of cargo tonnage reports
Transport Management function:
  • Create Cargo Release Form on-line, retrieve transport summary and truck information

The above functions represent phase one of system implementation. The next phase of HEx development will focus on automation of the various delivery services offered by Hacis. The system offers on-line functions to cover freight forwarders and airlines, acting as an e-enabler for Hacis' customers and for other parties along the supply chain.

HEx is fully integrated with Hactl's Community System for Air Cargo (COSAC), enabling master air waybill data of the consignments of registered users to be accessible through HEx, providing added flexibility.

Hacis' Managing Director Summit Chan said, "We are very pleased to offer this new e-initiative to Hacis' customers. The system enables us to standardise operational procedures with our customers online, enhance cargo data transparency and add value to their supply chain management. The launch of HEx is a major step forward for our continuous development in web-based solutions for freight forwarder and airline customers.".

Hacis is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Hactl, and provides a range of dedicated logistics support solutions that compliment the core cargo handling service provided by Hactl. The key services provided by Hacis include Airport Direct, a service comprising logistics services at SuperTerminal 1 and local delivery, and SuperLink China Direct, which offers consolidated trucking services between SuperTerminal 1 and Mainland China.

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